Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hi Everyone :)

Hello there :) My name is Bree. Be sure to friend me on my Stardoll account: MyBlogsAreLife. To tell a little about my self; I'm a freshman girl and I love to give advice. So if you need it, I got it. I've been on Stardoll for about two years on MyBlogsAreLife. Although, when I was about 10 I joined Stardoll and left because someone was mean to me in the forums, haha. I love making vlogs and blogs. If you ever need inspiration to make your own blog of some kind, I can give you advice and inspire you a bit to keep doing what you are doing :).
Love y'all!

**By the way, what do you guys think of the new Tress Up Store Items? Pretty flawless if you ask me!! :]

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