Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I'm sick of Msw.

While I'm posting I guess I'll introduce myself. I'm Cleo, also the one who made this blog. Um... you won't see me post as often as everyone else. I'll be spending my blog time planning new events and stuff to do, along with making Blogspot's crappy blog layout options work. This blog doesn't officially open until this Saturday, but the current DC'ers already know the link and everything.

What I wanted to talk about is this:

Am I the only one receiving one of these chats every 5 minutes? And notice the broadcast that was showing when I took that screenshot. The most broadcasts someones sent out today is like 900+. That's like...over 1,000 way I'd ever pay enough real money to get like 5,000 stardollars. I'm not exactly the best person to be lecturing about why we shouldnt spend real money on Stardoll because I do it like once or twice a month. lol. I probably should have painted over the usernames in the screenshot, but hey? free advertising for jokchick101. 


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