Sunday, September 2, 2012

And now we wait.

We currently, have 853 members :D Mostly DC'ers, but there are some random people in our members list too. Anyways, I sent broadcasts at 11:00 am today, so they should be showing up right about now(1:00 pm). Tomorrow morning, since all of my broadcasts will have shown up by then, I'm going to make another post with a new screenshot of our member count and I'll do some math and figure out how many members we gained with these 100 broadcasts. I'm hopping 500+ new members, that's my goal. Karma might have her own goal, I don't know. I'm really excited :D I think a lot of people will click on the broadcasts I sent, because they're something different then just "VOTE ME CG" and "MISS STARDOLL WORLD !!! !!!" How many members do you think we'll get? Leave a comment (: