Saturday, September 29, 2012

Free Super Me Shirt

Sorry I haven't posted, I just haven't gotten around to.
First step: Go to a proxy like (this is the one I used) or
Second step: Paste into the URL box of the proxy. Hit enter/click go.
Third step: Log into your account.
Fourth step: Paste THIS LINK: into the URL box of the proxy.
To get the shirt, YOU MUST watch all three videos. (What I did was just mute the videos and let them play in the other tab while I was on Stardoll on a different tab). To make sure it's working, you have to check for a red check mark by the video. When all three videos have the check mark, then on the side the shirt will have a green message above it saying 'The t-shirt was sent to your suite!'

On another note, I'm deciding not to put pictures of the bags that the freebie items come in. Sometimes I open them before I get a snapshot of the bag, and I don't like repeating the process on other accounts.


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