Saturday, September 15, 2012

How to set up a manual proxy (for IE, Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox)

I've decided that I wanted to write one of these, just in case people wanted to know how to set one up.
I'm going to include pictures too c:

The first step, and the most important is to LOG OUT OF STARDOLL.
For Chrome, Firefox and IE: Press ctrl, shift, and delete AT THE SAME TIME. Make sure you select all the boxes and select 'From the beginning of time' for Chrome, select 'Everything' for Firefox, and just click 'Delete' for IE (pictures below)

Then, to set the manual proxy, you'll need the IP and the port. Those should be in the post with the freebie.
For Firefox: If you have Windows 7, you'll have to tap the 'alt' key on your keyboard to view the tool bar at the top
 (this thingy)
Click on the one that says 'tools' and go down to where it says 'options' and click on it. A page will pop up, and at the top you'll need to search for a tab that says 'Advanced'. Click on that. (Picture below)
When you're on that page, you need to click the button that says 'Settings' (it's at the top lol so it shouldn't be hard to find) Another window will pop up when you do. When that window is up, you click the option that says 'Manual proxy configuration' and then put in the IP Address and Port. After you do, check the box that says 'Use this proxy server for all protocols' (Picture below)

When finished, clicked okay.
Chrome and IE: Open up IE (IF YOU USE CHROME, YOU HAVE TO DO THIS FOR IT TO WORK), and click 'Tools'. Look for something that says 'Internet Options' and open it.
Another window will open. At the top of that window, look for a tab that says 'Connections'. Click that, then click the box that says 'LAN Settings'
ANOTHER window will pop up, but in this one, you'll uncheck the 'Automatically detect settings' at the top, and at the bottom you'll check the 'Use a proxy sever...'. Then, when that's checked, in the two boxes, you'll be able to enter the IP in one, and the port in the other. When finished, click 'OK'. You'll now have the proxy set for both IE and Chrome.

Then, in the freebie post (you should have this open in another tab), just click the link it says to go to, and it'll go to it c:
You'll have to log into Stardoll of course.
Also, manual proxies take a while to load sometimes, so you must be patient.
Once you get the freebie, you can undo all the settings that went with the manual proxy and return to normal Stardoll c:

Credit for this tutorial goes to USD


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