Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Silence - Chapter Two

Chapter Two

Shh, Marie, it's alright. Marie, it's okay. Please stop crying.

The words haunted me, repeating in my head. Those words were worse than the insults. They had meaning, true meaning. 

My wrist throbbed painfully. The bandaged was covered by the sleeve of my shirt, but I was taking peeks at it every now and then. The tan bandage was now coated in a ruby red liquid, seeping through. No one noticed me wearing a long sleeved t-shirt in May, just continued on with their day as usual. 

Which meant the teasing and tormenting; except today it got worse. 
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Two kick me signs, 14 spitballs, and 27 insults later, I was cornered in the girl's bathroom. I stood silently, calmly, while staring her in the eyes. I didn't twitch or move while she threatened me. Instead, the words repeated in my head.

"Shh, Marie, it's alright. Marie, it's okay. Please stop crying."

"You think you're so cool, trying to ignore me?" Her voice was snotty and cruel. 

"Shh, Marie, it's alright. Marie, it's okay. Please stop crying."

"Think I'll leave if you don't talk?" She smirked, her eyes flaring. "SPEAK FATTY!"

 It came so quickly. Her left hand a blur as it flew across my cheek, then her right fist followed, slamming into my temple. Tears threatened to spill over my water line. 

"I'm watching you," She hissed, then sauntered off. When the door clicked shut, I immediately ran into a stall and began sobbing silently. Not a sniffle, not a peep. 

"Shh, Marie, it's alright. Marie, it's okay. Please stop crying."

I choked on my tears, but still made not a single sound. I could smell him, his sweet cologne encasing me. His arms wrapping around me. The sound of his steady breathing. I closed my eyes and let my mind go far away, leave the nightmare called reality. 

I could feel his hands stroking my hair, the ones that had held a blade much more than me. I could hear my sniffles, my hiccups. It was so real.

Still living in the memory, I stood up, the words repeating. So comforting, his tone caring. I trembled, leaning against the stall door. His face was imprinted into my eyesight. And then I undid the latch, leaving the stall. 

Standing in front of the mirrors, I slipped my makeup case out of my bag, and opened my concealer. I dabbed it on the marks of her fingertips. I put on some powder to cover up the tear streaks and the red marks, and then left the bathroom without a sound.

"Shh, Marie, it's alright. Marie, it's okay. Please stop crying."

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