Monday, September 3, 2012


Okay, so I have literally nothing to blog about, so Cleo told me to post one of my existing stories. So I decided to. Some people may have already read this one but I figured it was appropriate for DC. Other people can post stories, but please don't continue mine. Please?

Silence is a girl's loudest cry.
She's fat. She's ugly. She's a geek.
These are the words that seem to follow Marie as she ages. She tried everything to get rid of her flaws. In 5th grade, she started dieting and walking _miles_ everyday. In 7th grade she started trying many remedies for her acne. In 8th grade, she even starved herself. But these things did not make her flawless. The exercise piled muscle under the fat, making her look bigger. Her acne disappeared, but she still wasn't beautiful - even with pounds of makeup and hours of preparation. And starving herself only lead to dreadful counseling - and new insults.
She's ready to give up for good. Take a couple of pills. Let the misery end. For weeks she's been silent, completely silent.
Because silence is a girl's loudest cry.


"This is it," I whisper. "This is the end."

I drop the note on the floor and shove the pills into my mouth. I lay down on my bed. In my hands I clutch my childhood stuffed animal - a well worn panda bear, named, ironically, Panda. I close my eyes and let the darkness pull me into the sleep.

The words of the suicide notes repeat in my head. 

I love you. I love you all. But I couldn't take it anymore. The cruel comments, the insults, the bullying. I'm weak, and I crumbled underneath the pressure.

Make sure the bullying stops. It led me to killing myself, and it may lead others. Stop it. Forever. Make sure the law covers everything, not the basics. Write this in the papers, on the news, on billboards, everywhere.

No matter how small it may seem, bullying is huge. Take this from one of four thousand that has committed suicide over bullying just this year. Stop it. Enforce the god dang it laws, don't just approve them. It's like making a promise, and not keeping it. Except that's exactly what this is.

Enforce the laws. Make them stricter. Include all details. Make the suicide rate lower. Just do it, for me, in honor of my life.

If you want to blame anybody, blame the school. Blame the teachers for being oblivious. Blame the students for letting the bullying happen, and not stopping it. Blame the school board for not enforcing the rule.

Let them know that having parades and assemblies about it is not taking action. It's just a cover up for the lack of care. Take action.

But please, please make sure Cass does not follow in my footsteps. Shield her from the words. Don't let her end up laying next to me, in our family plot, younger than me. Transfer my college funds into hers, so she can go to a nice college and grow up happily, without her mess of a sister in her life.

I love you, Cass. You're beautiful. You always will be; don't let anyone else tell you otherwise. Promise me you won't end up like me. Please. It's my only dying wish.


The insults follow, each like a stab in my chest. 

"You're so ugly."
"Why are you even breathing?"
"How much do you weigh, 300 pounds?"

A tear slips through my closed eyelids, and trails down my face. The tear that holds my life. It's slipping out of my grasp, sliding through my fingertips. 

Silently, without a word, I let death take me.

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