Monday, October 15, 2012

Miriam- The Real Story.

We all know about the girl in DC named Miriam, or usually called by her nickname 'PG'. We've all had our beefs with her, been mean to her one point in time (some meaner than the others), etc.

There's also been the infamous question that's floated around and been asked once a many times that never seemed to get an answer: Is PG mental, or in nicer terms, is PG 'special'?

That question was answered today. (see below)
Yes, I have known about this since early September (so more like a month than the 2-3 months Emma said), but it was only best to not tell because it would've honestly hurt PG worse and make her feel embarrassed. I didn't even ask PG about it because one, it invaded her privacy, and two, it could have embarrassed her, like I said in the previous sentence. Yes, it may have been a bad idea to keep it secret for so long, but think about it this way: If you were in Emma's, Violet's, or my shoes, would you risk the chance of embarrassing a twelve year old girl for eternity, and make others only start treating her nice because of a disability?
PG honestly had no clue Emma told Violet and I, that's another reason I didn't ask her.

Most people in Emma's topic was like 'aww :(' but then came Brianna, one of PG's friends, with an opinion of her own that I agree with (even though I didn't get quite where she was coming from at first)
Even though she may have worded it a bit strongly, she still makes an absolutely great point.

So, the truth has finally come out.
And, if PG ever makes a return to DC, a good thing we should do is act like we don't know, because that'd be the best thing to do.
I sound like I'm trying to cover up a murder e.e

and I know, drama isn't usually what I post, but there wasn't any other writers available at the time.


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