Monday, September 3, 2012

Finally we have semi-drama.

At first, I wasn't going to post this. Because it'd seem mean for me posting it, since I was on one end of it and etc. But I don't think any other bloggers are online to post it so here we gooo.

<< so thats what appeared first. I think you can click on the picture to make it bigger. Anyways, I wanted to post that screenshot because it shows Lizzy admiting her diss at Prettygirl. I visited the blog, and it had like a two sentence post saying "I want to be honest prettygirl's an annoying noob blah blah blah". But you can't see that post anymore because she edited and changed the its forever gone.

<< Then this topic came up. I thought the girl who quoted PG was really funny lol thats why I kept her in the screenshot; No offense to PG :D

<< Then of course I had my own opinion on it. I do admit my post was kind've shallow though...

Karma pretty much told the final opinion because shes Karma and shes the law.

<< PG defended herself, and then Maddie or whatever decided to quote me and tell me to "shut the fxxk up" k then.

But if you want to see these posts for yourself, heres the topic links:
Topic Number 1
Topic Number 2

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