Thursday, August 30, 2012

Free Ashley Prom Dress

If you are from Turkey- Log in and enter a contest HERE.
~ If you're not from Turkey - Follow the steps below:
1. Go to a Turkish proxy like  OR OR httpdserver.infoOR
2. Paste the link into the blank box of the proxysite
3. Click Go or hit Enter on keyboard
4. Log in to Stardoll
5. Complete the quiz with random anwsers 
6. Click Enter Competition button
7. Wait till page loads. You should see 'Your contest enrty has been submitted' text.
8. You can now leave the proxy and go to Stardoll as usual.
The dress should be in a Starplaza bag in your suite. 

/credit goes to HTGF/

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hello ;)

    Hi everyone :) My name is Kailee and I'm the manager of this blog. Be sure to visit and add me. My username on Stardoll is queenkailee. I am 11 years old and i'm going to start 6th grade in a few days. I've been on stardoll since 2008 and i've been a part of Dove Club since it first opened. I'm just really happy to be a part of this blog.


your daily dose of cuteness has just been served n.n

Welcome to The Daily Cake. I'm Karma. I own DC. It's my precious.


I'm sick of Msw.

While I'm posting I guess I'll introduce myself. I'm Cleo, also the one who made this blog. Um... you won't see me post as often as everyone else. I'll be spending my blog time planning new events and stuff to do, along with making Blogspot's crappy blog layout options work. This blog doesn't officially open until this Saturday, but the current DC'ers already know the link and everything.

What I wanted to talk about is this:

Am I the only one receiving one of these chats every 5 minutes? And notice the broadcast that was showing when I took that screenshot. The most broadcasts someones sent out today is like 900+. That's like...over 1,000 way I'd ever pay enough real money to get like 5,000 stardollars. I'm not exactly the best person to be lecturing about why we shouldnt spend real money on Stardoll because I do it like once or twice a month. lol. I probably should have painted over the usernames in the screenshot, but hey? free advertising for jokchick101. 


Free One-Piece School Outfit

If you are from Russia, Log in and Enter a contest HERE
If you aren't from Russia, Follow these steps:
1)Go to Russian proxy like OR OR OR
2)In URL blank box of proxy site Paste contest link:
3)Click Go or Press on keyboard
4)Log in stardoll
5)Write at least one letter in both - 'Subject' and 'Text' fields
6)Click 'Enter competition' button, Wait till page loads again
7)Leave the proxy, Go to stardoll as usual
Outfit should be in a Starplaza box in your suite [:

/credit goes to HTGF/

Free MSW 2012 Items

1. Log in to Stardoll
2. Go to this link:
3. You will be redirected to your suite.
The items should be in a Starplaza bag and box your suite.


Free Boho Boots

This requires a manual proxy for other countries, BUT FOR USA IT DOESN'T, so yay :D
Just log in and make a scenery at THIS LINK:
They look like this:

I would've used my own picture, but I'm at my grandma's atm and she doesn't have MS Paint on this computer... I don't think e.e
credits to c:


Lady Gaga Born This Way Makeup Tutorial

Click To Enlarge Photos :)

Its Here! Miss Stardoll World-2012

Well, its finally here! Miss Stardoll World-2012 has officially opened.
Many dolls are dressing up for this special occasion. As you can see, all over stardoll there are broadcasts for MSW, clubs are full of 'Vote Me MSW' topics, and guestbooks are brimming with advertisements. Stardoll has also included youtube videos this year, but there are restrictions.
  • You must be 13+
  • The video can be no longer than 60 seconds
  • There can be no human audio recordings
  • You cannot film your real self, or others

Though personally I have no real desire to win Miss Stardoll World, many dolls do. This contest is probably the biggest on stardoll, and many are trying to win it.

To see the official Stardoll MSW page- click here

To visit the 2010 winner- click here

To visit the 2011 winner- click here

To go to the official Facebook MSW page- click here

Good luck ladies!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Hi Everyone :)

Hello there :) My name is Bree. Be sure to friend me on my Stardoll account: MyBlogsAreLife. To tell a little about my self; I'm a freshman girl and I love to give advice. So if you need it, I got it. I've been on Stardoll for about two years on MyBlogsAreLife. Although, when I was about 10 I joined Stardoll and left because someone was mean to me in the forums, haha. I love making vlogs and blogs. If you ever need inspiration to make your own blog of some kind, I can give you advice and inspire you a bit to keep doing what you are doing :).
Love y'all!

**By the way, what do you guys think of the new Tress Up Store Items? Pretty flawless if you ask me!! :]

Heino ;)

(Thats Finnish for hello c;)
I'm one of your many faithful bloggers, Savannah*.
My username is CountryMuffin18, and obviously, I'm from DC. [Currently residing in Karma4Cake]
Like Bailey, I'm 13 and in 8th grade this year.
I won't make any posts from 4-6 PM Central Time on weekdays
 because of volleyball practice. (Setter FTW)
I will post just about anything. Tutorials, events, etc.

*I go by many other names as well. Savannahtard, Savvy, Sav, Van, Hannavas, Savannahsaurus-Rex, Anna, & Annal <lol

Monday, August 27, 2012

Maybe I should introduce myself.

Like I said in my last post, my name is Bailey and my username is JunoGirl16.
I'm thirteen years old, and just started my final year of middle school, which is eighth grade where I live c:
um I'm kinda basing this off Claire's lol, so sorry if it's similar.

um let's see, what else should I say about myself.
OH YEAH, I've been owner of DC twice (well, really, one whole big time, but I was kinda co-owner one time so) and uh that's basically it.

So yeah.
Oh, and I'll be posting the free stuff available on Stardoll.
At the moment, I'm only going to post free things that use web proxies, but if you want me to do manual proxy posts too, I can make a tutorial on how to set those up, and make posts about those as well c:

and now, that's all I really have to say lol.



Hello my lovelies. (:

This is Claire, and if you don't know my username, it is MsMinty101.

I'm very socially awkward so. But anyways, um, let's tell everybody about my boring life.

I'm, um, ten years old, in fifth grade, and if you haven't noticed, socially awkward. I'm addicted to the internet, as well as many other things I am not allowed to share for ... reasons (lolno). But anyways, hello! My other posts won't be as stupid, I promise.

Goodbye my lovelies,

Free blue dress, 'Pingpong' and grey cat c:

Hi, my name is Bailey, and I'm going to be doing posts on freebies on Stardoll c:
I'll mainly be using the same criteria as the posts on popular freebie websites such as HTGF or USD, but I'm not copying their exact posts, I'll probably use the proxies that worked for me c:
Also, since the majority of DC is in the US, then I won't have the 'If you are from UK,...' stuff like that.
Here are what the freebies look like, first of all:
Step one; Go to a proxy site such as (this is the one I used)
Step two; Type in  Log into your account, and if it asks to save your password on that site, just click no or whatever it says.
Step three; Paste THIS LINK: in the URL box in the PROXY
It looks like this:

It'll automatically join the Do You Know? club for you.
Step four; Now past THIS LINK: and wait for the page to load. Once it's finished, you can ex out of the proxy c:
The gifts will appear in your suite in a bag like this:

 but not right away, it takes some time for it to arrive.
And that's all for today c:


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Raccoon Eyes Tutorial

Okay, so oftentimes I get requests to do 'racoon eyes' or 'big eyes' for dolls. Its fairly simple, but some people don't know how to do it, so here is an easy way to make them for your doll.

Model: CountryMuffin18 (Me ;D )
If you have any questions or requests, please leave them in the comment box.


Brees Vlogs: Prettygirls Nomination

Here is my first vlog. It's talking about the Prettygirl scandal of her attempting to compete in the MSW competition while she has a million others to compete against. She has a campaign. People acted like they were for it. I'm not sure if she got the sarcasm.

Love and Peace,